Me, Florian Thiery M.Sc.
Hi. That’s me Florian Thiery from Mainz, Germany. I hold a masters degree (Master of Science) in geoinformatics and surveying. Currently I am working as computer scientist, web developer and research associate. More about myself on my Website Linked Geodesy and my ORCID.
“my” organizations
- i3mainz - Institut für Raumbezogene Informations- und Messtechnik
- Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM)
- Mainzer Zentrum für Digitalität in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften (mainzed)
- Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI)
- GammaNurds
some popular repos
my gists
- Configurations for JAVA projects using Maven
- maven dependencies
- Setup for Jersey 1.19.1 RESTful Interface in Netbeans
last update on 8/2017